JBOL - Just a Bunch of Links

Just a Bunch of Links Well, it’s time for another clearout of my “blog-it” folder. Some of these have been gathering dust for quite a while now, waiting for me to have the time to give them a proper write-up. But, as always, time has crept up on me and you get to have them all in one lump sum. Enjoy.

All The Quickies

A useful knowledge base site. Full of little nuggets of information to remind/tell you how to do things. There’s a pretty strong bias toward Unix and Cocoa on this site.

Html Validator for Firefox and Mozilla

A plugin for Mozilla and Firefox that locally validates all the pages that you visit, showing the validation result in a little icon at the bottom of your browser. Could be useful for some of you. When you view source with this plugin enabled you get an HTMLTidy report as well.


A Flash application that allows you to easily see previews of all fonts on your system, using text that you choose. Much better than scrolling through Charmap.

Skinning Del.icio.us

More a description of how to skin any website if you use Firefox as your web browser, this blog entry talks about changing the look of the del.icio.us interface.

ChromEdit - Firefox Extension

Used by the above technique, ChromEdit makes changing your Firefox incredibly easy. Very handy if you need to get at them.

Integrated Web Design: The Meaning of Semantics (Take I)

A brief article about the semantic writing of web pages. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you should read this

And that’s your lot. Back to the dissertation for me now…

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workingwith.me.uk is a resource for web developers created by Neil Crosby, a web developer who lives and works in London, England. More about the site.

Neil Crosby now blogs at The Code Train and also runs NeilCrosby.com, The Ten Word Review and Everything is Rubbish.