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Handcoding Web Pages
A great treatise on why it’s often a good idea to hand code rather than relying on WYSIWYG programs.
Improving Link Display for Print
A nice way of using JavaScript to create footnotes showing where links on your pages go, for users who decide to print your articles. Much nicer than simply using “:after” to add the URL straight after each link.
Quick Start Your Design with XHTML Templates
A bunch of XHTML and CSS templates that you can use as a quick start when creating a new website. Looks useful.
Slashdot’s gone CSS
Obligatory mention. Slashdot has actually got rid of the cludgy tables and is using CSS for its layout. About time too.

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workingwith.me.uk is a resource for web developers created by Neil Crosby, a web developer who lives and works in London, England. More about the site.

Neil Crosby now blogs at The Code Train and also runs NeilCrosby.com, The Ten Word Review and Everything is Rubbish.