Google changes definition provider

Shows google linking to definitions Just when did google stop using as its definition provider, and start using

It’s one of the features of google that you hardly ever notice, but once you do it starts to come in handy once in a while. On google’s results pages, you should notice in the top right corner that it says something like “Results 1 - 10 of about 13,900,000 for your phrase. (0.33 seconds)”. Each word in “your phrase” is actually a link to the definition of that word, which can come in handy sometimes. Obviously not as often as I thought it did though - it’s probably been a while since google swapped definition providers.

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about wwm is a resource for web developers created by Neil Crosby, a web developer who lives and works in London, England. More about the site.

Neil Crosby now blogs at The Code Train and also runs, The Ten Word Review and Everything is Rubbish.