I like your site - can I link to it please?

Of course! If you do though, please tell me so that I can get a nice warm glowing feeling inside.

You might like to use the following code:

<a href='http://www.workingwith.me.uk/'>
   <img src='http://www.workingwith.me.uk/images/promote/sitebutton-bluefade.gif' 
        alt='workingwith.me.uk - working with you' 
        height='35' width='105' />

If you would prefer a grey button, just replace bluefade with grey above.

You’ll end up with one of these buttons:

workingwith.me.uk - working with you workingwith.me.uk - working with you

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about wwm

workingwith.me.uk is a resource for web developers created by Neil Crosby, a web developer who lives and works in London, England. More about the site.

Neil Crosby now blogs at The Code Train and also runs NeilCrosby.com, The Ten Word Review and Everything is Rubbish.